To answer this post’s title, they have the same profession!
What is that profession? If you answered “journalist,” you’d be wrong! But you’d also be the reason I have for writing this entry.
There is no doubt that many people tend to take the word of these men as credible fact.
To be honest, I enjoy them both to a point. Cowherd is very entertaining and opinionated about sports. There is much that I agree with him on, and much that I don’t.
Beck is certainly polarizing, but he is not wishy-washy. He has his convictions and sticks to them.
However, they are not journalists. Both are a form of commentator. Their job is not to be strictly objective and critical of an establishment, but to inject opinion, questioning, and even humor into their body of work.
Interestingly, the set of professionals like Glen Beck seem to have been spawned from the set of professionals like Colin Cowherd.
While ESPN has always employed commentators who work right alongside their journalists, the 24 hour news cycle has only relatively recently welcomed commentary into their fold.
While not being journalists, both camps have their place in the media world.
I would just implore the public to recognize that these commentators are NOT the representatives of journalism.
Unfortunately, I don’t know if they can really tell the difference anymore.